A.I. Insurance: Insured Portal

> UX internship May - Sept 2023
> Insurance Tech
> Insurance portal for insureds
Timeline15 weeks
Process◦ Design audit
◦ Design thinking
◦ Prototyping
◦ User research
◦ Usability testing
◦ Design Presentation

TeamVictoria Liang (UXD)
Alan Fang (UX Lead)
Joe Kimlinger (Dev Lead)
Cameron MacArthur (CEO)
15 weeks
Design Process
◦ Design audit
◦ Design thinking
◦ Prototyping
◦ User research
◦ Usability testing
◦ Design Presentation

Victoria Liang (UXD)
Alan Fang (UX Lead)
Joe Kimlinger (Dev Lead)
Cameron MacArthur (CEO)
Company Context
A.I. Insurance is a cloud-based solution that digitalizes the traditionally manual intensive process of insurance management, specializing in captive insurance and medical malpractice.

The product streamlines all your business' insurance data in one place including policies, claims, insureds, and more. From collecting premiums, tracking and paying invoices to vendors, to claim negotiations, all of your finances can be tracked within the application.

1. Project Background

The insurance industry involves intensely manual processes and old school communication styles between carriers/brokers and insureds: sending PDFs over emails and filing paper work in cabinets.
◦ Identify pain points of the ultimate end users, the insureds

◦ Design a portal that allows for seamless communication and act as an all in one destination for all policy related actions.

Without relying on email, insureds can easily communicate with their carriers, file claims, apply for /renew coverage, receive updated documents, and access information from various devices.

2. Problem Statement

How Might We
Digitize a traditionally manual process allowing seamless interaction between carriers, brokers, primary insureds and named insureds.

Project Details

Due to NDA protection, this project requires a password
I Understand NDA

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Overview       Company ContextBackground
Problem Statement
Project Detail (NDA)