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Company ContextProblem Statement
Design Process
     The Problem
     Problem Statement
     Design Iteration
     Usability Testing     Design System
Final Solution

A.I. Insurance: Insured Portal

A.I. Insurance is an all in one cloud-based solution streamlining and digitizing businesses' insurance data management.

I led original B2C portal designs to digitize industry-wide insurance  practices that are labor intensive with inefficient communication between insurance companies and their clients, the insureds.
3.5 months
Heuristics analysis
Responsive design
Design system
User research
Usability testing

Victoria Liang (UXD)
Alan Fang (UX Lead)
Joe Kimlinger (Dev Lead)
Cameron MacArthur (CEO)
Joshua Saunders (Customer Success)

Company Context

A.I. Insurance was built to combat the labor intensive industry insurance practices where communication is over email where pdf files are downloaded, printed and stored in filing cabinets between insurance companies and businesses.

Problem Statement

Design Process

Understanding the Problem

I led and conducted user research to better understand the brand new users base I am is designing for with the Insured Portal to help expand A.I. Insurance's customer base.

I interviewed our clients (insurance companies) and their clients who are the direct-users of the portal (the insureds) for the following insights:

Our Plan

Theses are a few potential solutions to user pain points we brainstormed in team-wide and cross functional conversations.


A.I. Insurance has a unique positioning that makes this project particularly challenging, catering to 3 parties: insurance companies, primary insureds, insureds. Steps taken in the portal system had to insure all 3 parties are happy with the results.

Problem Statement

Design Iteration

🗂 Current Manual Flow
Translating the existing manual flow into essential functions in the app.
✍🏼 Initial Sketches
In collaboration with designers and product managers, we synthesized essential portal flows in the first round of sketches.
🏠 Home Screen Function Prioritization
To gather user and stakeholder feedback, I mocked up various home screen options for users to visualize the product.
💼 Policy Activities
A large portion of management beyond having access to the policy itself is making changes and additional policy relevant actions.
💬 Help Center for Easy Communication
Given A.I. Insurance's goal of facilitating seamless communication between stakeholders, it's vital that insureds can easily ask questions and communicate directly with their policy carriers within the app.
🎨 Visual Exploration
To create an intuitive experience for the users after distilling essential flows, I explored various visual representations of functionalities.

Usability Testing

Testing is still on-going and conducted by the A.I. Insurance team.

Testing demographic

◦ 40-60 year olds, non tech savvy
◦ Managers in insurance companies, insurance company clients, internal stakeholders and customer success
Based on Testing Insights, Users Value:
What's missing?
Responsive Design Explorations
To increase accessibility, I explored cross-channel designs, mobile and web, attuning to visual hierarchy.
Thinking about how the desktop B2C product would align in design language with the existing B2B product.

Design System

As we needed to extend this beyond just the mobile experience, part of the project scope because solidifying the design system to unify the experience cross platform.

Challenge: Referencing desktop B2B product to keep design language in alignment while making it accessible for mobile users.

Final Solution

How would success be measured?

User Onboarding

Policy Application Form

Insureds take charge!

Apply for their own coverage to be approved by their employers and insurance company.

Usability HeuristicUser control and freedom
Users can exit the form anytime should they choose to not continue with the application.

Add Insureds Flow

Shortens processing time and cuts down extra cost by letting insureds take charge!
Employers can assign insureds themselves to fill out forms directly in the app.

Track Application

Insureds take charge by tracking their application status from their phone at anytime.

Accept & Pay

Shortens processing time and only take seconds to make a payment!

Insureds won't need brokers to email the quote in PDF format and can make payments directly.

Policy Details

No more old school filing cabinets!

All documents, forms, histories, actions in one digital location without the hassle of emailing, downloading PDFs and printing.

Usability Heuristic: Consistency and standards
Language used within the app parallels with industry practices to ensure users understand the flows even when it is digitized.

Request Policy Change

Shortens processing time!

Requests made go directly to insurance companies rather than asking brokers for help which typically takes 2-2.5 weeks.


Insured vs. Primary Insured

Help Center

Insureds can speak directly in app with the insurance company rather than waiting for email or text responses!


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