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TEDxRISD: Unravel

Leading a group of 14 team members to host the first ever TEDxRISD conference on March 16, 2023.
My Role
Curation Lead
Michael Farris (Co-President, Operations Lead)
Aanya Arora (Co President, Marketing Lead)

Juhi Nagpal
Nooriyah Gulamhusein
Nicole Lee
Anmol Rao
Jason Liao
Li June Choi
Mahnoor Rafi
Elaine Liu
Isaiah Aladejobi

◦ Delegation
◦ Outreach
◦ Empathetic listening
◦ Event management
◦ Adaptability
◦ Public speaking
◦ Communication
◦ Decision making
◦ Rapport building
◦ Team building

1. Background

In a diversely creative environment like RISD where students from 52 different countries and 22 different majors gather, there was a lack of space for people to share their ideas, stories and values with a greater number of audiences beyond their social groups, classrooms or their majors.
How Might We
Create a campus wide event that welcomes all individuals (students, faculty, alum) from all disciplines to come together and connect on an intellectual + personal level beyond their practices at RISD or post RISD career.
Curate and organize the first ever TEDxRISD with a captivating theme, inviting/preparing speakers to share their stories and audiences to gain new perspectives/learn from their peers?

2. Theme


Ideas worth Disentangling

Like the tangled headphones in our pockets, inter-connected complexities are the building blocks of our lives, ultimately molding our worldviews. Our speakers from various backgrounds discuss their journeys and paths that led them to new discoveries. Perhaps their stories could inspire you to unravel undiscovered facets of your life?

3. Event Day

4. Process

Weekly Meetings

Speaker Workshops: Amy Devers
Barbara Tannenbaum

Stage Design


5. Learnings

Industrial designer society of America (RISD)>