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Events     Journey to Design
     Internship Panels
     Break into UX
     RISD ID in UX DesignLearnings

Industrial Design Society of America (RISD)

RISD IDSA, chapter of national non-profit organization IDSA, aims to create community and impact at RISD - both deepening its meaning for Industrial Design majors and broadening its scope to include and collaborate with those of other disciplines.

Our goal is to help all students seek insight from and form relationships with professional designers and the wider world of Product Design.
My Role
Amrita Desmet (Co-President)
Nina Chang (PR)
Eduardo Mautner (PR)
Carrie An (Design Lead)
Eunae Ko (Senior Designer)
Nicole Lee (Junior Designer)
Sumin Chung (Finance Lead)
Sage Lou (Finance)
Jasmine Jung (Secretary)

◦ Delegation
◦ Empathetic listening
◦ Project management
◦ Team building
◦ Adaptability
◦ Public speaking
◦ Communication
◦ Decision making
◦ Rapport building
◦ Analytical thinking

1. Background

RISD IDSA sees an opportunity to fill the gap in the RISD curriculum which focuses more on traditional practices of Industrial Design and collaboration within the department.

2. Accomplished Events

Journey to Design

March 2023
Industry professionals share their stories of how they got to where they are today in , biggest lessons, wide range of experiences and how upcoming designers can thrive in today's design industry.

Internship Panels

January 2023
October 2022
Cross disciplinary students (Industrial Design and Graphic Design) come together to share their past summers' internship experiences at various companies and fellowships doing UX and Product Design.

Break into UX

November 2023
Cross disciplinary students (Industrial Design and Graphic Design) come together to share their past summers' internship experiences at various companies and fellowships doing UX and Product Design.

Makeathon: Zooming Out

November 2023
During this one-day event, students form groups to ideate, research, design, and prototype a solution for a pre-planned theme. Industry professionals mentor students in their design processes. Final group presentations are critiqued by judges who determine the winners.

Zooming Out: Sustainability, Accessibility, Social Impact
When we look at things with a laser focus, we tend to miss what's on the peri-phery. Zooming out encourages designers and artists to consider who and what is overlooked. Participants will push to create experiences, new systems, solutions, products, or installations for a more inclusive and responsible future.

RISD ID in UX Design

November 2023
Cross disciplinary students (Industrial Design and Graphic Design) come together to share their past summers' internship experiences at various companies and fellowships doing UX and Product Design.

3. Learnings

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